Cedar Rapids
Art Camps
Kids completing grades 1-5 can enjoy a wild week of creativity, including ceramics, glass, mixed media, sculpture, and paint. Local artists will demonstrate their skills. Space is limited. Register now !
Theatre Cedar Rapids Summer Camps
102 3rd Street SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Contact: Mic Evans
Phone: (319) 366-8591
Email: mic.evans@theatrecr.org
Website: www.TheatreCR.org
Prestige Dance Studio Summer Clinics, Camps & Programs
5005 Blairs Forest Lane NE Suite D,
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Contact: Jess Novotny
Phone: (319) 200-4844
Email: info@prestigedancestudio.com
Website: www.PrestigeDanceStudio.com
Eastern Iowa ARTS Academy Summers
1841 E Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, 52402
Contact: Heather Wagner
Phone: (319) 350-1805
Email: heather@eiaaprogram.org
Website: www.EasternIowaArtsAcademy.org
Studio Dance Summers
3907 Center Point Road NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Contact: Michelle Ann Burke
Phone: (319) 393-0303
Email: michele@studiodanceia.com
Website: www.StudioDanceIA.com
Cherie's Dance Studio
4000 Center Point Road NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Contact: Jenny
Phone: (319) 393-2314
Email: janikegirl@gmail.com
Website: CheriesDanceStudio.com
Iowa Ceramics Center and Glass Studio
329 10th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Contact: Roger Bergen
Phone: (319) 365-9644
Email: studiomanager@iowaceramicscenter.org
Website: IowaCeramicsCenter.org
Studio 360 Summer Dance Camps
8806 St Martin Boulevard SW Suite 105, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Contact: Natasha Leas
Phone: (319) 777-1097
Email: office@studio360dance.net
Website: www.Studio360Dance.net
Cedar Rapids Sports
Exciting educational programs for kids ages 8-15. Campers can Code, Cook, Cheer, Construct & Create at KICK camps. Tuition plus materials fee.
Wapsie’s coed summer camp programs serve boys and girls ages 6-18 in our summer resident and day camp program.
Somersaults Gymnastics Center Summer Programs
325 Waconia Court SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Contact: Scott or Robin Joens
Phone: (319) 366-7040
Email: info@somersaultsgym.com
Website: SomersaultsGym.com
FC United Soccer Camps & Clinics
8610 Milburn Road, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411
Contact: Bill Ajram
Phone: (319) 361-2551
Email: dmin@fcunitedcr.com
Website: www.FCUnitedCR.com
Cedar Rapids Parks & Recreation Department
500 15th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Phone: (319) 286-5566
Email: recreation@cedar-rapids.org
Website: www.Cedar-Rapids.org
The Arc Summer Programs
680 2nd Street SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Contact: Tara Cornelius
Phone: (319) 365-0487 ext. 1044
Email: tcornelius@arceci.org
Website: ARCECI.org
Coe College All Sports Camps & KARE Sports Camps
Coe College, 5008, 1220 1st Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Contact: Dylan Hast
Phone: (319) 399-8415
Website: AllSports.CoeCamps.com
Twisters Gymnastics Summer Camps
4625 Tower Terrace Road, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411
Phone: (319) 393-5818
Email: info@iowatwisters.com
Website: www.IowaTwisters.com
Cedar Rapids Parks & Recreation Department
500 15th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Phone: (319) 286-5566
Email: recreation@cedar-rapids.org
Website: www.Cedar-Rapids.org
Cedar Rapids Academic
Week-long outdoor themed camps along with academic camps we are known for to keep the kids interested and active. Full day or morning only. Before/after care available.
Downtown Learning Center & Preschool Summer Camps
318 5th Street SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Contact: Lisa Hajek
Phone: (319) 731-6133
Email: lhajek@waypointservices.org
Kids Kampus Learning Center Inc Summer Camps
5150 Blairs Forest Way NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Phone: (319) 393-2898
Email: kidskampus1@qwestoffice.net
Website: KidsKampusCedarRapids.com
Jane Boyd Community House
943 14th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Contact: Megan Isenberg
Phone: (319) 366-0431
Email: info@janeboyd.org
Website: www.JaneBoyd.org
Cedar Valley Montessori School Summer Programs
110 5th Avenue S.E. Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Contact: Amber Shaheen
Phone: (319) 365-5155
Email: info@cvmontessori.org
Website: CVMontessori.org
West Cedar Rapids KinderCare Summers
310 Burdette Drive SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Contact: Sara Schwerin
Phone: (319) 396-5391
Website: www.KinderCare.com
Collins Aerospace Day Academy Summer Camp
1215 Skylee Drive NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Phone: (319) 295-4440
Website: CollinsAerospaceDayAcademy.com
Cedar Rapids Specialty
Summer Day Camp offers 9 one week sessions for campers ages 6-11 years From zombies to building wands, there’s a theme for all! Multi-session & camper discounts.
Extended care options available
Indian Creek Nature Center
5300 Otis Road SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Contact: Kelli Kennon-Lane
Phone: (319) 362-0664
Email: kelli@indiancreeknaturecenter.org
Website: IndianCreekNatureCenter.org
True Heart Equine's Horse Day Camp
602 Tharp Road, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Contact: Kelee Warren
Phone: (319) 550-5885
Email: learntoride@trueheartequine.com
Website: TrueHeartEquine.com
Iowa State Extension & Outreach Linn County Summer Camps
1340 11th Street NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405.
Phone: (319) 377-9839
Email: linn4h@iastate.edu
Website: www.Extension.IAState.edu
Camp Wakonda
660 32nd Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Contact: Paul Swanson
Phone: (319) 862-0541
Email: 172.info@scouting.org
Website: HawkeyeBSA.org
Girl Scout Camp Liberty
2345 Blairs Ferry Road NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Contact: Rachel Eisenmann
Phone: (800) 798-0833
Email: info@girlscoutstoday.org
Website: www.GirlScoutsToday.org
Camp Corageous
Phone: (319) 465-5916
Email: info@campcourageous.org
Website: CampCourageous.org
St. Paul's Summer Camps
1340 3rd Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Contact: Julie Hanlin
Phone: (319) 363-2058
Website: www.StPaulSumC.org